Almost 700 agricultural projects on stand-by due to lack of financing

The Vice Minister of Agrarian Development and Infrastructure and Irrigation, Pablo Araníbar, indicated that there are around 700 projects at the national level linked to promoting agricultural development and that financing is needed for their execution.

“We have 700 projects nationwide, in which the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) is seeking financing through Works for Taxes to complete most of these. “We are making the necessary efforts through the ministry with the National Government to be able to reach the residents who need it most,” he said.

As part of some measures taken by the sector, the Small and Medium Infrastructure Program was announced, an initiative aimed at increasing the agricultural production of rural families in areas of extreme poverty in the mountains, through the improvement and expansion of systems. irrigation, as well as increasing the water management capacity in the micro-basins.

Araníbar indicated that the program involves the coverage of projects in 9 regions such as Piura, Amazonas, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Áncash Junín, Huancavelica and Ayacucho.